Monday 1 October 2012

Yoga at your kid school ..

I just started my new project ..very small..but i am very happy with it .
I decided that i cut out some work time and i will give once a week yoga in my son school.

Children in Holland go to school at age of 4, in the first two years they get quite a lot of breaks and some exercises gr 3 , where sit my son they have gym lesson only once per week ...i think its not much ( i still didn't check it with other schools ) ..and its not that i want from everyone make an athlete .
I simply think that moving and learning how to control your body , mind and focus on the breath can give us   so many benefits .

People often say "oh children they are so flexible" ..yest they are ,but they  like us feel stress,struggle with problems from school to the social life,home etc
They develop coping mechanisms just like adults; overeating,closing themselves,using to much video games or tv, going in anger and aggression avoid dealing with feelings .

For me a big problem with kids now a days is overeating, you see so many already very young children being to fat, children who after running 2 min sweat and have no breath..its very sad .We all want to be strong ,fast ,flexible, jump,run ,and have no health problems !

""Yoga is a great way to help kids stay active, gain strength and learn to balance. Yoga helps kids relax through deep breathing. Yoga gives kids tools that they can use to process uncomfortable feelings and decrease stress. Yoga increases their awareness of how they feel; something that many adults should develop as a skill""

 After first lesson of yoga you can see very fast the state of human body, you can listen and see how people are breathing and guess in a way what kind of life adults of children have looking how we move , what kind of control and relation with our body we have you can say as well a lot about psychical state of a human .

The joy of doing yoga with kids is big see them discover their bodies ..they imagination and other around..

On the last lesson i pay a lot of attention to a boy who didn't want to do a thing ..saying very quiet that he cant or simply turning his head around ..i made him my small help ..and very gentle i was helping him to go to positions , making fun of myself encouraging him to make sounds ..and move ..after some time he was doing things with a smile ..and in the end he told me ..thank you i didn't know that i cud ...and i guess that i don't have to write more .

Through yoga you can help  children gain confidence and acceptance with who they are. We can  help them focus the mind, strengthen the body and expand the heart.

Yoga is learning children to help each other to be self- aware, to build self -esteem and self- respect ,self -control and self -confidence.
Children can learn how to focus and get connection with their environment , become more creative (if they can more ;)) open and peaceful.
And not to forget about learning appreciations for others and oneself .

I cud write and write about my lessons with kids and why i think yoga is great for children, now i want to see how are working projects in other countries ..projects who bring yoga to schools , if somebody know more pleas let me free to write in comments or write to me a mail.

Yoga is a nice way of spending free hours with your kids, you don't have to be a yoga guru to make some nice exercises which will give benefits not only to your kid but as well to you , they are a lot of nice books , videos can ask your yoga teacher for nice exercises or write to me ..i will be more than happy to help .

nice books

The ABCs of Yoga for Kids
Teresa Powers
Yoga Games for Children: Fun and Fitness with Postures, Movements and Breath (SmartFun Activity Books)

